When it comes to avoiding distractions and maintain focus, the applications presented below are mostly about reducing noise.
Slash is a minimalistic desktop app which, on top of managing tasks, provides the user with a focus mode.

When activated, Slash takes the first task in the list of tasks for the day and indicates how much time you have been working on it.
By displaying a single task as desktop-wide widget, the user can stay focused on this single item until it gets done.
Once completed, Slash automatically moves on to the next item in the list.
🌐 Website: https://getslash.co
💡 Alternatives:
Routine: https://www.routine.co
Freedom is a very simple service that allows you to define the websites that you would like to block when working.

You can define blocklists along with slots of time during which those apply.
This way, should you slip, Freedom automatically brings you back by reminding you that you should stay focused on your work right now.
🌐 Website: https://freedom.to
💡 Alternatives:
StayFocusd: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stayfocusd/laankejkbhbdhmipfmgcngdelahlfoji
PauseGmail: https://www.pause-gmail.com
Inbox When Ready: https://inboxwhenready.org
Session: https://www.stayinsession.com