Tools to help handle incoming requests

Most tools now integrate one way or another with chat services and email tools to easily convert and store those incoming requests.


Todoist is a task management app that is based on the GTD methodology made popular by David Allen in his Book “Getting Things Done”.

Todoist benefits from a very large spectrum of integrations, both direct with many other productivity tools but also indirectly through automation tools like Zapier.

In addition to supporting many platforms like macOS, Windows, iOS and Android, Todoist comes with a number of extensions for browsers (Chrome & Firefox) but also for popular apps like Gmail.‍

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Stack is a new type of Web browser that organizes information differently from typical browsers.

For one, visited websites are displayed as cards that can be resized to show up next to one another. This is particularly useful when checking several accounts of the same nature e.g Twitter.

Also, cards can be grouped together into specific profiles e.g personal vs professional. This helps maintaining focus while allowing for quick access to them all.

Stack can be used as a replacement for your main browser but it can also be used as a dedicated browser that aggregates all your communication tools for instance. This way your main browser stays free of distractions.

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