Taking Time Off Work? Here's How to Write a Professional Email

In this blog post, we will look at how to inform your manager about taking time off via email, plus some tips and best practices to keep it professional. So let’s get started.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Taking time off is a common occurrence in the modern workplace and you should ideally be able to inform your manager via email about it well in advance so that he is able to manage operations in your absence.

In this blog post, we will look at how to inform your manager about taking time off via email, plus some tips and best practices to keep it professional. So let’s get started.

Tips to Remember

  • Give ample notice to ensure that your manager has time to gather resources in the team to manage your workload and other operation specifics.

  • Follow your company’s leave policy throughout the process and if anything is unclear feel free to email the HR department to get clarification.

  • Leave an alternative contact in your email so that your team can contact you in case of emergencies. And clearly state that the contact is only for emergencies.

Best Practices

  • Be polite and respectful when requesting to take time away from your work and state the reason in a professional manner.

  • Plan ahead and see how you can distribute your workload to your team members. The idea is to take the burden off your manager and distribute it to your team members in a way that is sustainable till you are back.

  • Keep communication lines open so that your manager can call or email you to discuss further about your time away from work and see if there are some operational difficulties that have to be accommodated.


Subject: [Reason] Leave Until [End Date]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Hope you are well. I am writing to inform you that I would need to take off from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to [Reason].

I have already applied for it over the leave portal, and I request you to kindly approve it.

I acknowledge that my absence will be inconvenient, and to manage that I have already designated [Designated Person’s Name] to manage all my [tasks/POC duties]. You can reach out to her on [Designated Person’s Email] and [Designated Person’s Phone Number] during working hours.

I will also ensure that I catch up with the team upon my return. That said, if there is a business emergency, please feel free to reach me at [Your Phone Number].

Thanks for understanding and let me know if there is anything else I need to do or know before I leave. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]



Now that you know how to write an email to your manager about taking time off, this task should be a breeze going forward. Thanks for reading.

Also, if you are interested in learning about email, we have tons of great content for you. Plus, if you are keen on improving your productivity, consider downloading Routine for free.

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