How to Write a Company Party Invitation Email

Planning a company party is an exciting opportunity to bring your team together for well-deserved fun and camaraderie. However, before the festivities begin, you must send out invitations to ensure everyone is informed and ready to join the celebration.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Drafting a company party invitation email is a common occurrence in the modern workplace. When writing this email, it is critical to keep things professional and upbeat at the same time.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of writing a company party invitation email with a focus on best practices, things to remember and a sample email template that is ready to use. So let us begin.

Tips to Remember

  • Clearly define the purpose and theme of the party so that people can decide whether they should consider attending it or maybe skip it all together.

  • It is critical that you know the audience that is going to read this email, so try to customize it by adding specifics around their schedule, relevance to their team, etc.

  • Clearly state logistics of the event that should include date, time, venue, dress code, agenda, etc. This will help people plan their schedule accordingly.

  • Quickly highlight the most important or exciting things that are going to happen at the event. Treat this like a elevator pitch that you can use to convince more people to attend.

  • Maintain a friendly tone but balance it with professional language so that people still realize that it is an official party and take it a bit more seriously than they otherwise would.

Best Practices

  • A catchy subject line that is fun but also does not sound too unprofessional is the ideal balance you should aim for, to get the best results.

  • Personalize the email with the recipient’s name and team, so that they feel like the email is a little more personal and might make them more inclined to attend.

  • If possible, use the visual appeal of email template designs and make it more attractive and reflect the occasion better than a plain text email.

  • If you are using a design template, ensure that the email is responsive to different device screens so that recipients are able to clearly view and understand the messaging.

  • Do not hesitate to send a follow-up reminder email just to make sure that you cover all your bases and remind people about the logistics of the party.

Sample Company Party Invitation Email Template

Subject: Invitation to [Party Name] on [Date]

Hello {Recipient’s Name},

We are thrilled to invite you to our company’s [Event Name]! This is the time we get together, celebrate our achievements, and create lasting memories.

Event details:

  • Date & Time: [Specifics]

  • Venue, Address:

  • Dress Code:

  • RSVP Deadline:

  • RSVP Email/Phone Number:

There are several highlights to the event, the most important ones include:

  • Highlight 1

  • Highlight 2

  • Highlight 3

Do try and attend this event to make it a resounding success. Please confirm your attendance status ASAP so that we have everything ready for you.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

[Title] - [Phone Number]


By following the tips, best practices and the usable email template shared in this blog post, you are now well equipped to write a company party invitation email.

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