Communicating a Change in Office Timings Effectively via Email

In this blog post, we will look at how to send an email announcing work timings change, best practices to ensure it is clearly understood, and some tips to make your employees feel at ease. So let us get started.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Changing office timings is a major event in the workplace and there are tons of things that can go wrong and one of the main things is communication, especially asynchronous modes like emails.

In this blog post, we will look at how to send an email announcing work timings change, best practices to ensure it is clearly understood, and some tips to make your employees feel at ease. So let us get started.

Tips to Remember

  • Clarity is key so give them all the details about the timing change that your team needs but don’t overwhelm them with unnecessary information.

  • Provide ample notice so that they have a buffer to implement the transition plan stress-free with minimal disruption to the day-to-day operations.

  • Clearly explain the reason why the timings are being changed and the advantages of doing so both from an employer and employee perspective.

  • Address Concerns around the timing change and offer some flexibility in cases that warrant them, so keep the communication lines open and listen to your employees.

Best Practices

  • Keep lines of communication open so that your employees can contact you if there are any concerns or queries. Ideally have one POC from Human Resources as well.

  • Provide resources for people to learn more about the timings change and how they can effectively transition to the new timings.

  • Be open to change and take a decision to continue or not with the new timings based on the results. If it is not really beneficial, then it might be time for a revert back to the old schedule.

  • Finally, thank your team for understanding and cooperating with the change.


Subject: Change in Office Timings Effective [Start Date]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Hope you are well. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your commitment and dedication to [Company Name]. Thanks to all our combined efforts, we were able to [Achievement].

I am writing this email to inform you that our office timings are going to be changed from [Old Time] to [New Time] and this will be effective from [Start Date]

The reason for the change is [Explain Reasons], plus there are benefits to the change like [Explain Benefits].

We are constantly improving the employee experience and if you have feedback regarding this change, please reach out to us at [POC Email Address]. We will reconsider the move if it doesn’t align with our employees' interests.

As part of our commitment to a smooth transition, we have created some resources to help you make this change. You can find them [Link to Resources].

Once again, thank you for your dedication and commitment to the organization. We appreciate your understanding.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]


Now that you have learned about writing an email announcing timings change, you should be more than comfortable in sending that email. Following the tips, practices and the sample email shared here will equip you with everything you need when communicating.

Thanks for reading. Do check out the Routine app if you are inclined to improve your time management skills.

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