Debate Preparation

A template to help you prepare for debates including opening statements, key arguments, body language, etc. 


## Debate Topic

Should social platforms be regulated by the state?

## Debate topic in context

Since the purchase of X by Elon Musk, there have been multiple calls by governments to regulate speech on social platforms. 

## Motion

Yes, they should be regulated by the government.

## Opening Statement

In the age of social media misinformation, the ability to ensure accuracy and decorum in the content we consume is a direct function of the government chosen by the people.

## Key Arguments
- Social media platforms can spread harmful information.[1] 
- Regulation can protect against hateful speech.
- The government can protect people against data scrapping and breaches.
- The state can ensure protection from astro-turfing. [2]

## Anticipated Counter Arguments
- Regulation will stifle freedom of speech.
- Regulation will promote censorship and an autocratic state. [3]
- Self-regulation exists amongst social companies already.

## Supporting Evidence
- Berkeley Study 2014
- Harvard Study 2008
- NEMJ Survey 2010

## Closing Statement

Unregulated social content has already put our civilization at risk and has widened the gap between different cultures and groups. Not regulating them will be the end of a civilised society. 

## Possible Interrogation
When have companies successfully regulated themselves?
If only what is illegal is regulated, where does the free speech issue come from?
How will the government detect and neutralize threats if it doesn’t have adequate data?

## Body Language Checklist

- [ ] Audible tone
- [ ] Jargon-free language
- [ ] Open hand gestures
- [ ] Upright posture
- [ ] Steady Eye Contact
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