Customer Feedback Meeting

A simple customer feedback meeting template that is company size agnostic and designed to extract maximum value from customer feedback data.


__Date:__ 12.12.2024
__Time:__ 11:00 AM
__Location:__ Sunnyvale, California
__Coordinator:__ Steven Gerrard (Customer Service Deck)

## Introduction
- Welcome note by Steven Gerrard.
- Introduction to head of departments (marketing, sales and CS).
- __Meeting Goal:__ Gather and analyze feedback to improve CS process

## Overview
- __Collection Methods:__ Surveys, interviews, support tickets and social media mentions.
- __Problem Areas:__ Usability of the product, loading speed especially payment screens, and the huge backlog of email support tickets.

## Exploring Common Themes
- __Bad Usability Experience:__ Users find the app generally hard to use and navigate.
- __Loading Speed:__ The servers are not located locally, hence the loading speed is slow. 
- __Ticket Backlog:__ Fewer people assigned to manage tickets on email, so there is a build up of a backlog. 

## Feedback Prioritization
- Ticket backlog is the main bottleneck, so that will be handled first. 
- Loading speed is a low-handing fruit, so that will be next. 
- Product usability will be taken on last. 

## Plan of Action
- Reassign people from social media support to handle email tickets to reduce the backlog. 
- Move to more local servers for better loading speeds. 
- Hire an external UX expert to review the tool for usability.

## Assignment
- Fernando Torres will handle talent reassignment with respect to email ticket backlog. 
- Luis Suarez will kickstart the transition process to local servers. 
- Robbie Fowler will be in charge of hiring the UX expert and presenting a usability report to leadership.

## Conclusion
- Summary of decisions will be shared via email by EOD. 
- The same team will review progress in next Monday’s meeting. 
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