Personal Brand Building Strategy

A template for growing your personal brand across various platforms and channels focusing on core competencies & target audience.


__Date:__ 31.03.2024

__Goal:__ Build following and engagement on social media to drive more consulting opportunities.

## Core Competencies:
- Branding
- Design
- Content Marketing
- Copywriting

## Who should you reach? 
- CEO/Founder
- Marketing Heads
- Marketing Managers

## Channels for Consideration
- LinkedIn - High number of decision makers and high signal community.
- Twitter - High number of startup decision makers but low signal community. 
- YouTube Shorts - Ideal for visual intensive content & decent number of decision makers.

## LinkedIn Strategy:
- Create content series on branding and design at the strategy level.
- Ideally use carousels and long-form text posts.
- Add a CTA to book a free appointment.
- Topics: Brand, design and content strategy. 

## Twitter [X] Strategy:
- Create X threads on SEO and Copywriting at execution level.
- Ideally use a good creative on the base tweet. 
- Add a CTA pointing towards a free consulting appointment.
- Topics: Copywriting & SEO.

## YouTube Shorts
- Create 30 second videos on SEO, Copywriting and Design Content.
- Ideally show screens to demonstrate practicality. 
- Ask people to subscribe and pin a CTA to your site.
- Topics: Copywriting, design and SEO.

__Bonus:__ Push all video content to IG Reels & TikTok. 

__KPI Metrics:__ Impressions & Booked Appointments.
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