Food Journal

A comprehensive food journaling template to keep track of, recap and review your mood based on your food intake.


__Date:__ 05.03.2024

## Breakfast [10:00 AM]:
- 100 gms Oat Meal
- 2 Boiled egg whites
- Black coffee with no sugar

__How I feel:__ Felt light and ready to head to work.

## Second Meal of the Day [1:00 PM]:
- 100 gms of brown rice with dal
- 150 ml spiced buttermilk

__How I feel:__ Slightly heavy and buttermilk increased the number of urine breaks.

## Last Meal of the Day [8:00 PM]:
- 200gms Fruit salad
- Green tea with no sugar

__How I feel:__ Light and enough to sustain for 2 hours before sleeping.

## Snacking Tracker
- 50 gms of spiced ground nuts
- 100gms of eggless cake

__How I feel:__ Cake feels bad since it has a lot of sugar and is processed. 

## Water:
- 2 litres before starting work
- 4 liters through the working day
- 1 litre after work

__Reflection:__ The first half of the day was great and made me feel like I am making good progress towards my health goals. The cake was offered so I could not refuse, and it was a step back. Reclaimed the day better with a light dinner and skipping all snacks post-cake consumption. 

__Goal for Tomorrow:__ Maintain the habit and get better at saying “No” to food that you do not want to consume. 
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