Focus on what matters today
No need to constantly check your 5- or 7-day calendar view. Instead, focus on the upcoming events that require your attention and the tasks you decided to work on today.

Craft your day
Be the day before or in the morning, carefully pick the tasks you want to complete today. Reschedule some tasks to another day and postpone the less important ones to a later week for reconsideration. Make sure to block time for the most important ones to make sure the daily chaos will not disturb your plan to get those completed.

Ignore the unattended events
Your calendar is full of events that you will not attend. Being shared calendars (team, significant other etc.) or colleagues’ calendars that you want to keep an eye on, all of those events are interesting to track for planning purposes but are not relevant to the execution of your day. With Routine, you can easily indicate which calendars hold events you will attend and will take some of your time and which will not. As a result, your agenda is conflict free and represents exactly what will take place today!

Stay focused and avoid distractions
With the Today screen, you can finally focus on the tasks that absolutely need to be completed today and all the events that you must attend. The events in your colleagues’ calendars, the tasks to be reconsidered later etc. can be ignored for now. Once you have achieved your goals for the day, you can take a look at the Planner to take a step back and plan your next step.