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### **Sunrise Community Association**

Date: August 20, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Location: Community Center, Room 404

Meeting Type: Regular


### Call to Order

- Time: 3:05 PM
- Chairperson: Jeff Thompson

### Attendance

- Members Present:
    - John Doe
    - Jane Smith
    - Michael Johnson
    - Miles Davis
- Absentees:
    - Robert Brown
    - Lisa White
- Guests/Observers:
    - Mark Taylor
    - Sophia Williams

### Announcements

- The annual charity fundraiser will be held on September 17, 2024.
- A new VR playground installation is scheduled for November.

### Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

- Minutes from July 15, 2024: Approved
    - Corrections/Amendments: Not applicable

### Agenda Approval

- Agenda for August 20, 2024: Approved
    - Amendments: Not applicable

### Reports

- Chairperson’s Report:
    - The community garden project is progressing well, with an expected completion and planting date in early October.
- Treasurer’s Report:
    - Current balance: $13,560. Major expenses include $2,400 for the summer picnic event.
- Committee Reports:
    - Event Planning Committee: Finalized plans for the upcoming neighborhood inter-block party.
    - Safety Committee: Reported on recent upgrades and timetable for the neighborhood watch program.
    - Beautification Committee: Proposed new landscaping ideas for the community park and gate garden.

### Old Business

- Item 1: Community Newsletter Distribution
    - Outcome: Deferred to next meeting pending more information on printing costs.
- Item 2: Parking Lot Resurfacing
    - Outcome: Tabled until budget review in October.

### New Business

- Item 1: Proposal for a Dog & Bird Park
    - Outcome: Approved. Location to be determined.
- Item 2: Christmas Decoration Contest
    - Outcome: Approved. Budget allocated is $600.

### Adjournment

- Time: 4:25 PM
- Next Meeting Date: September 17, 2024


Minutes Submitted by:

- Name: Miles Davis
- Date: August 21, 2024

Minutes Approved:

- Name: Jeff Thompson
- Date: August 25, 2024
## Pre-mortem Analysis for Project Picasso

Date: September 4, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Conference Room B, HQ Building / Virtual Meeting Link: [Zoom Link]

Facilitator: Emily Paquette


- John Doe (Project Manager)
- Sarah Lee (Lead Developer)
- Michael Smith (QA Lead)
- Rachel Adams (Marketing Head)
- Tom Blake (Financial Analyst)


### Introduction

- **Objective:** The goal of this Pre-mortem meeting is to identify potential risks and challenges that could lead to the failure of Project Picasso. By recognizing these risks early, we want to develop strategies to mitigate them and ensure the project's success.
- **Agenda Overview:** The meeting will include an introduction to the project's scope, discussion on an hypothetical failure scenario, individual brainstorming, group discussion, risk prioritization, and the development of mitigation strategies.

### Project Overview

- **Project Scope:** Project Picasso is designed to develop a new mobile app to better streamline our customer service operations. Our objectives include optimizing response times, improving customer satisfaction, and integrating AI assist for support features. Main deliverables include the app's MVP, user testing reports, and the final product launch.
- **Timeline:**
    - Phase 1 (Design): September 2024 - October 2024
    - Phase 2 (Development): November 2024 - January 2025
    - Phase 3 (Testing): February 2025 - March 2025
    - Final Launch: April 2025

### Imagining the Failure

- **Scenario Hypotheses:**
    - Participants will imagine that Project Picasso has failed.
    - **Hypothetical Scenario:** It is now April 2025, and the app launch has been a disaster. Customer feedback is mostly negative, the app has frequent crashes, and important features are missing. Why did it fail?
- **Individual Brainstorming:** Participants will have 15 minutes to list potential reasons for the project's failure, considering factors like technical challenges, intra-team problems, and market misalignment.

### Group Discussion

- **Sharing Insights:** Each participant will share the risks and potential points of failure they have identified.
- **Categorizing Risks:** We will group similar risks together, such as technical risks, market risks, and team-related risks, to identify common categories.

### Prioritization

- **Risk Impact and Likelihood:** We will examine and rate each risk based on its potential impact on the project and the likelihood of it occurring.
- **Main Risks Identification:** We will prioritize the top 5 risks that need immediate attention.

### Mitigation Strategies

- **Develop Solutions:**
    - For each of the top 5 risks, we will brainstorm potential management strategies, such as implementing additional testing phases or improving market research.
- **Assign Responsibilities:**
    - Assign team members to oversee the implementation of each mitigation plan, ensuring accountability.
- **Set Deadlines:**
    - Set clear deadlines for implementing these strategies, aligned with the project timeline.

### Review and Respond

- **Recap Main Points:** Summarize the top risks, along with their mitigation strategies and team members responsible for it.
- **Action Items:** Review the action items, ensuring each has an assigned responsibility and deadline.
- **Next Steps:** Outline the next steps, including follow-up meetings to track the implementation of mitigation strategies.

### Closing Remarks

- **Final Thoughts:** Solicit concluding comments or questions from attendees.
- **Thank You:** Thank everyone for their participation and input in safeguarding the success of Project Picasso.
### Welcome

- Quick introductions:
    - John Doe (Project Manager)
    - Jane Smith (Lead Developer)
    - Keith Lee (Designer)
- Quick overview of the agenda:
    - Project status update
    - Upcoming tasks and deadlines
    - Obstacles and risks
    - Team feedback and discussion
    - Action items and next steps

### Project Status Update

- Progress since the last meeting:
    - **John Doe**: Completed initial project scoping and resource allocation.
    - **Jane Smith**: Developed the third module of the application; currently in the testing phase.
    - **Keith Lee**: Finalized UI/UX design for the main product dashboard.
- Milestones Achieved:
    - Completed project scoping.
    - Third module development and UI/UX design finalized.
- Current Status:
    - **On track** with some adjustments needed.

### Upcoming Tasks and Deadlines

- Next Steps:
    - **John Doe**: Coordinate with stakeholders for feedback on the implementation document.
    - **Jane Smith**: Continue with module testing and begin development of the fourth module.
    - **Keith Lee**: Create screen design prototypes for the next phase of the application.
- Upcoming Deadlines:
    - Stakeholder feedback due by August 25th.
    - Second module development to start by September 1st.
- Assigning Tasks:
    - **John Doe**: Ensure stakeholder engagement.
    - **Jane Smith**: Lead module testing and development.
    - **Sam Lee**: Focus on screen design prototypes.

### Challenges and Risks

- Current Challenges:
    - Late stakeholder feedback could impact the start of the next phase.
    - Critical technical issues identified during testing need to be resolved.
- Risk Management:
    - Proactively follow up with stakeholders.
    - Assign additional resources to assist with testing if applicable.

### Team Feedback and Discussion (10 minutes)

- Feedback on Progress:
    - **Jane Smith**: Expressed satisfaction with the current pace but highlighted a need for clearer communication with the testing team.
    - **Keith Lee**: Suggested an early design review with the developers to ensure alignment with design.
- Suggestions for Improvement:
    - Consider implementing a more regular feedback loop between design and development teams.

### Action Items and Next Steps (5 minutes)

- Summary of Action Items:
    - **John Doe**: Follow up with stakeholders, ensure timeline adherence.
    - **Jane Smith**: Resolve testing issues, start the next development phase.
    - **Keith Lee**: Prepare design prototypes and schedule a review meeting every 2 weeks.
- Next Meeting Date:
    - Scheduled for August 30th at 10:00 AM.

### Closing Remarks

- Thank the team for their ongoing efforts and remind everyone of the importance of meeting the upcoming deadlines. Encourage open communication if issues arise.
### **XYZ Corporation Office Meeting**

Date: August 20, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Main Room A

Meeting Type: Regular Staff Meeting


### Call to Order

- Time: 10:05 AM
- Chairperson: Frank Miller

### Attendance

- Members Present:
    - Alice Johnson
    - David Lee
    - Maria Gonzalez
    - Kevin Nguyen
- Absentees:
    - Jessica Brown
    - Thomas Walker
- Guests/Observers:
    - Jordan Peterson
    - Mark Stevens

### Announcements

- The quarterly team-building event will be held on September 25, 2024.
- A new software update will be rolled out company-wide in November.

### Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

- Minutes from July 18, 2024: Approved
    - Corrections/Amendments: Not Applicable

### Agenda Approval

- Agenda for August 20, 2024: Approved
    - Amendments: Not Applicable

### Reports

- Chairperson’s Report:
    - The company’s new product line is set to launch in December, with marketing strategies being finalized.
- Finance Report:
    - Current budget status: $350,000. Recent expenditures include $12,500 for office space renovations.
- Department Reports:
    - Marketing Department: Presented the updated Google and PR campaign for the new product launch.
    - Sales Department: Reported a 13% increase in sales for Q3.
    - HR Department: Discussed the upcoming employee onboarding sessions.

### Old Business

- Item 1: Office Renovation Timeline
    - Outcome: Completion expected by the end of October.
- Item 2: Employee Feedback on Remote WFH Policy
    - Outcome: Continued discussions, with further feedback being gathered.

### New Business

- Item 1: Proposal for a Wellness Program
    - Outcome: Approved. Implementation to begin in October.
- Item 2: Office Holiday Party Planning
    - Outcome: Approved. Budget set at $2,400.

### Adjournment

- Time: 11:25 AM
- Next Meeting Date: September 17, 2024


Minutes Submitted by:

- Name: Maria Gonzalez
- Date: August 21, 2024

Minutes Approved:

- Name: Frank Miller
- Date: August 25, 2024
**Tech Solutions Inc.**

**Meeting Agenda**

**Date:** August 30, 2024

**Time:** 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

**Location:** Meeting Room 3B / Zoom Link:

**Meeting Facilitator/Host:** Dwayne Johnson

**Note Taker:** Bruce Lee

### Formal Call to Order

- Dwayne Johnson calls the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.

### Roll Call / Attendance

- **Attendees:**
    - Steve Smith
    - Ted Turner
    - Amreesh Patel
    - Lawrence Brown
- **Absentees:**
    - Micheal Clark
    - Olivia Martinez

### Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

- Review and narrate the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Motion to approve: Steve Smith
- Second: Ted Turner
- Vote: Approved unanimously

### Agenda Review

- Overview of the agenda and objectives.
- No additions or changes to the agenda.

### Reports

- **Marketing Team Report:** Ted Turner
    - Overview of the latest Google campaign results and upcoming marketing initiatives.
- **Finance Department Report:** Amreesh Patel
    - Q3 financial performance and new budget updates.
- **Product Development Report:** Lawrence Brown
    - Progress on new product features and launch roadmap.

### Old Business

- **Website Redesign Project:**
    - Discussion led by Lawrence Brown
    - Final approval of app design concepts and development timelines.
- **Customer Feedback Survey:**
    - Discussion led by Ted Turner
    - Review of survey results and next steps.

### New Business

- **New Client Onboarding Process:**
    - Introduction by Amreesh Patel
    - Proposal for streamlining the customer onboarding process.
- **Employee Training Program:**
    - Introduction by Dwayne Johnson
    - Discussion on proposed employee training modules on customer support and schedules.

### Open Floor / Q&A

- Open discussion and invite additional comments, questions, feedback, or announcements from attendees.

### Recap

- Review of assigned action items and deadlines:
    - **Website Redesign Finalization:** Lawrence Brown by September 5, 2024
    - **Onboarding Process Updates:** Amreesh Patel by September 10, 2024
    - **Training Program Outline:** Dwayne Johnson by September 12, 2024

### Adjournment

- Dwayne Johnson adjourns the meeting at 11:25 AM.
- Next meeting scheduled for September 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Meeting Room 3B / Zoom.
## One-on-One With Employee: **John Doe**

### Rapport Building

- How has your workload been lately?
- Any exciting projects you've been involved in recently?

### Achievements

- **Improvements:** Successfully reduced processing time by 15% in the last quarter.
- **Milestones:** Completed the vendor satisfaction training module ahead of deadline.

### Performance Diagnosis

- **What are we doing wrong?** Some processes still lack automation, leading to non-optimal operations.
- **Why are we continuing with existing systems?** There could be a lack of awareness about the benefits of new tools.
- **Are we getting the optimal value for investment?** The current CRM tool isn’t optimally utilized, leading to underperformance in client follow-ups.
- **What departments are being impacted?** Mostly the Sales and Customer Support teams.

### Prescription

- **What can we do better?** Introduce regular training sessions on the latest tools to enhance efficiency.
- **How can management help you?** Provide access to advanced analytics software to better track performance.
- **What steps can you take to better track your performance?** Implement weekly self-assessments and reports.
- **How can you improve our value addition to the end user?** Focus on personalized customer interactions, leveraging data insights.

### Open Table

- Feel free to share any concerns or ideas you have, knowing this is a judgment-free space.

### Action Items

- **Action Item 1:** Finish the advanced CRM training by EOM.
- **Action Item 2:** Formulate a weekly performance tracking system.

### Next Steps

- **Next Meeting:** Scheduled in three weeks from today to review action items and discuss new developments.
### **First Team Meeting Agenda**

Date: September 4, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM

Location: Conference Room C or Zoom Link: [Zoom Link]

Meeting Facilitator: Ross Geller

### Welcome and Introductions

- Facilitator: Welcome everyone to our first team meeting.
- Team Introduction: All team members introduce themselves, talk about their role, and background.

### **Icebreaker Game**

Share a story, or tell the group something that one might not guess about you

### **About Yourself**

Ross Geller: A brief overview of your career in project management, leadership style, goals for our team, and a brief about my personal life.

### Meeting Purpose and Objectives

- Facilitator: Brief on the purpose of the meeting.
- Objectives: Clearly set outcomes, including establishing team composition, duties and setting project timelines.

### Team Goals and Expectations

- Discussion: Goals of the team, such as completing the new product launch by Q4.
- Expectations: Discuss the expectations when it comes to team collaboration, async communication, and project management.
- Q&A: Encourage members to ask questions and provide input/feedback.

### Roles and Responsibilities

- Clarification: Establish the roles and responsibilities of each team member, e.g., Rachel for Marketing, Joey for Development.
- Discussion: Clarify concerns and suggestions regarding roles.

### Communication Channels

- Tools: Discuss tools and services used for communication (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams).
- Frequency: Set expectations on the cadence for communication, such as weekly updates and daily check-ins.

### Initial Project or Task Discussion

- Overview: Introduce the first project, which is the development of the new mobile app.
- Responsibilities: Assign tasks and set deadlines, e.g., UI design draft of the home screen by September 1st.
- Discussion: Open the floor for questions, suggestions, or concerns.

### Next Steps and Action Items

- Recap: Summarize the main points discussed along with action items, such as drafting the project timeline and setting up communication channels.
- Next Meeting: Schedule the next meeting and share the tentative agenda if available.

### Closing Remarks

- Facilitator: Thank everyone for their participation.
- Motivation: Offer words of encouragement regarding the future.


### **Action Items:**

1. Rachel: Draft the marketing plan by September 15th.
2. Joey: Prepare the initial development timeline by October 30th.
3. Monica: Set up the project management process by October 27th.

### **Next Meeting:**

- Date & Time: September 30, 2024, at 2:00 PM