How to Write an Email Requesting Work from Home for the Day

In this blog post, we will look at how you can request WFH from your manager through email, best practices when asking for work from home and an actual sample email that you can use.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Work from home has become a popular mode of working for a while now and it has picked up quite drastically over the past four years. Requesting WFH is something that you will have to do as it gets more and more accepted in the modern workplace.

So in this blog post, we will look at how you can request WFH from your manager through email, best practices when asking for work from home and an actual sample email that you can use.

Things to Remember When Requesting to Work from Home

  • Read through the company's remote work policy and figure out the right way and the person to make a WFH request.

  • Ensure that you give your manager or the concerned person enough time to consider the work from home request and arrange for necessary backups.

  • Give a clear justification as to why you want to work from home and be honest about it without revealing too many irrelevant details.

  • Don't forget to inform your team about your WFH day so that they can plan their communication with you.

  • Ensure that you have the right set up and assure your manager that there will not be any major disruptions to your work day.

Best Practices for Writing the Email

  • When making the request, address your supervisor by name or title, avoid any slang and ensure that the whole email reflects genuine professionalism and respectfulness.

  • Be very clear about when you want to work from home and clearly state a compelling reason for your request. Ambiguity leads to confusion and you do not want that for your manager.

  • Intimate your manager and your team about how they can reach out to you during your WFH and the specific hours you will be available.

  • Assure your manager that you will take care of your responsibility in the most professional manner you can while working from home to boost trust and confidence.

Sample Template for Requesting to Work from Home for the Day

Subject: Work from Home Request for [Date]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

Hope you are well. I am writing this email to request work from home on [Date] due to my on [Briefly Explain Your Reason].

I will be available on call or email throughout our working hours from [Start Time] to [End Time] to provide updates on my progress, collaborate and ensure that all tasks will be promptly worked on.

I can assure you that me working from home will not affective the quality of my work and my productivity levels in any way.

Thank you for your consideration, this flexibility will allow me to [State Your Reason] while not missing out on my work.

I am available on call [Phone Number] and email [Email ID] if you need any additional information regarding this. Thanks again.


[Your Name]

[Your Designation]


Now that you have learned write an email requesting work from home using tips, best practices and the sample shared on this post, you should be now be more confidence about your skills as a communicator and get more approvals for your WFH requests that you would otherwise.

Thanks for reading and if you are interested more content like this, keep an eye out for Routine on Twitter at @RoutineHQ.

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