How to Write an Email Referring Your Friend for a Job in Your Company

In this blog post we will look at how you can refer a friend for a job at your company through email, along with some best practices and two samples templates that you can modify and copy/paste for your own referral emails.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Who would not want their friends to work at the same office as them? Most of us would and one of the ways to do that would be referring a friend for a job at your company.

If you want your friend to make a good impression before they even step foot into your company, then the referral email should be very credible and precise.

And in this blog post, we will look at how you can write that email, things to keep in mind, essential items to include, best practices and finally a couple of sample email templates that you can copy and paste. So let's get started.

Things to Note

  • Be thorough about the job: Even before you open your email account, spend time reading the job description and understand the requirements to see if your friend would be a good fit. There is no point in referring him if he has very little chance in clearing the interview, let alone performing well in the job.

  • Stay honest: One thing you don't want to do in your job referral email to the HR or the hiring manager is lie. Lying not only ruins your friend's chances to building a career in your organisation, it also poses a grave threat to your reputation. Organizations don't expect a perfect referral, but they will usually reject a dishonest one.

  • Keep your friend in the loop: To ensure that the process is smooth and communication is effective, keep your friend in the loop through the entire process. Also, do not forget to intimate him and more importantly take his consent before making the job referral.

  • Keep your language professional: Your friend's chances of getting a call would largely depend not only on his resume but how you communicate his fit for the job profile in your email. Ensure that you don't use slangs, and maintain a professional tone without sounding too robotic or trying to hard sell.

  • Emphasize relevant qualities: When your friend has the qualities that would make him a good fit for the role, the least you can do is focus on them in your communication to the HR or the hiring manager. This would make it easy for them to see the value in interviewing your friend or at least giving him a call.

Best Practices

  • Draft a very clear subject line that indicates to the hiring manager who and for what role you are making this referral.

  • Begin your email with a polite greeting and try addressing the hiring party by name if you know them well.

  • Explain who you are referring and why you think your friend would be a strong fit for the advertised role.

  • Introduce yourself and your role in your current organisation so that the recipient feels that this is a credible referral.

  • Add anecdotes or past actions of your friend which makes you believe that he is a well-suited for the job opportunity.

  • Give a preview of the necessary qualifications so that the hiring manager can take a decision to pursue or not without having to look at the resume.

  • Add a call to action (CTA) at the end of your email encouraging the recipient to call or email your friend.

  • Say "Thanks" to the hiring manager for considering your referral and showcase your eagerness to continue referring good candidates in the future as well.

Email Sample for Referring a Friend for a Job

Sample 1 (Without CC'ing your Friend)

Subject: Referral for [Job] at [Company/Department]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am currently working the [Function] department at our company. I've spent the last 5 years of my career here and I believe my friend [Friend's Name] would fit our company requirement both from a skill and a culture standpoint.

I would like to hereby make a formal job referral of [Friend's Name] for the role of [Job] at [Department]. We've known each other for [Number of years] and I've seen his exceptional skills, work ethic and dedication up close. Hence, my confidence in this referral.

[Friend's Name] is formally trained in [Certifications/On-the-Job Skill], which aligns perfectly with the [Job], and especially so with the department. In our time working together, [Friend's Name] has demonstrated [relevant skills] even under high-pressure situations.

So I would encourage you to consider [Friend's Name] for an interview to discuss the opportunity further. He is available on [Friend's Email] and [Friend's Phone Number] between 9AM - 7PM on all days except Sunday.

I have also attached his CV for your reference.

Thank you for taking time to consider my job referral. I am happy to help us build a winning team and contribute positively to the company we all strive for.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


[Company Name]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

Sample 2 (CC'ing your Friend)

Subject: Referring [Friend's Name] for [Job] at [Department]

Dear [Recipient's Name]

Hope you are well. I am [Your Name], currently working as [Your Job] in the [Company]'s [Department].

I would like to take this opportunity to formally refer my friend [Friend's Name] who I have known for the past [Number] years and have seen first hand his many qualities like [Quality 1], [Quality 2], and [Quality 3] which make a strong fit for the [Job] at [Department].

[Friend's Name] is certified in [Certification] and [Certification], in addition to possessing over [Number] years of rich experience in [Domain/Area of Expertise].

I have attached his CV for your reference which also includes a link to his updated LinkedIn profile as well.

You can reach out to him by replying to this email (He is CC'ed), or you can reach him on [Friend's Phone Number] on all days except Sunday, between 9AM - 7PM.

Thanks for considering my referral and I look forward to seeing where this referral takes us.


[Your Name]

[Position], [Company/Department]


Getting your friends an interview with your company can be a great gesture that can not only help your friend but also your organization in finding great talent.

By considering the best practices, and the templates shared in this post, you can now send that email to refer your friend/acquaintance for a job.

If you liked this post, we have tons of email templates and resources for you on the Routine Blog's "Email" category.

Finally, if you are interested in improving your personal or even your organisation's productivity, then consider downloading the Routine app.

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