"What If" Brainstorming Session

A template for the popular brainstorming technique called the "What if" method that can be applied for both personal and professional capacities.


__Date:__ 12.12.2024
__Coordinator:__ Mark Thompson
__Team Present:__ Marketing & Human Resources

## Introduction
Hello, I am Mark and I will be coordinating this session. Today we will look to implement multiple “what if” templates to question some assumptions and try to see if we are able to land on some probable actions we can take to grow our company. 

__Template: What if we could achieve [X] by changing/adding/removing [Y]?__

### Marketing:
What if we could grow by 10% by adding a monthly subscription plan?
What if we could reduce our churn by removing automatic unsubscription due to non-payment?

### HR: 
What if we could hire faster by expanding our search to Latin America?
What if we could cut employee costs by choosing a hybrid work policy?

__Template: What if we partnered with [X] to achieve [Y]?__

### Marketing 
What if we partnered with SaaS conferences to grow B2B sales?
What if we partnered with complementing products to grow referrals?

### HR
What if we partnered with social causes to boost employee engagement?
What if we partnered with coupon vendors to reduce tax burden on employees?

__Template: What if we expanded our [X] to new [Y]?__

### Marketing
- What if we expanded our SaaS offering to Latin America?
- What if we expanded our SaaS support to social platforms like Twitter?

### HR
- What if we expanded our talent search to the Philippines?
- What if we expanded our leave policy to include paternal leave?

## Conclusion
Thanks for coming to our brainstorming session. You all will receive notes on what was discussed today via email by EOD.
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