Marketplace / Templates / Formal Meeting Agenda

Formal Meeting Agenda

A formal meeting plan and template that follows the guidelines of Robert's Rules of Order.


**Tech Solutions Inc.**

**Meeting Agenda**

**Date:** August 30, 2024

**Time:** 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

**Location:** Meeting Room 3B / Zoom Link:

**Meeting Facilitator/Host:** Dwayne Johnson

**Note Taker:** Bruce Lee

### Formal Call to Order

- Dwayne Johnson calls the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.

### Roll Call / Attendance

- **Attendees:**
    - Steve Smith
    - Ted Turner
    - Amreesh Patel
    - Lawrence Brown
- **Absentees:**
    - Micheal Clark
    - Olivia Martinez

### Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

- Review and narrate the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Motion to approve: Steve Smith
- Second: Ted Turner
- Vote: Approved unanimously

### Agenda Review

- Overview of the agenda and objectives.
- No additions or changes to the agenda.

### Reports

- **Marketing Team Report:** Ted Turner
    - Overview of the latest Google campaign results and upcoming marketing initiatives.
- **Finance Department Report:** Amreesh Patel
    - Q3 financial performance and new budget updates.
- **Product Development Report:** Lawrence Brown
    - Progress on new product features and launch roadmap.

### Old Business

- **Website Redesign Project:**
    - Discussion led by Lawrence Brown
    - Final approval of app design concepts and development timelines.
- **Customer Feedback Survey:**
    - Discussion led by Ted Turner
    - Review of survey results and next steps.

### New Business

- **New Client Onboarding Process:**
    - Introduction by Amreesh Patel
    - Proposal for streamlining the customer onboarding process.
- **Employee Training Program:**
    - Introduction by Dwayne Johnson
    - Discussion on proposed employee training modules on customer support and schedules.

### Open Floor / Q&A

- Open discussion and invite additional comments, questions, feedback, or announcements from attendees.

### Recap

- Review of assigned action items and deadlines:
    - **Website Redesign Finalization:** Lawrence Brown by September 5, 2024
    - **Onboarding Process Updates:** Amreesh Patel by September 10, 2024
    - **Training Program Outline:** Dwayne Johnson by September 12, 2024

### Adjournment

- Dwayne Johnson adjourns the meeting at 11:25 AM.
- Next meeting scheduled for September 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Meeting Room 3B / Zoom.
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