Marketplace / Templates / First Team Meeting

First Team Meeting

Create a positive connection and trust with your team while clearly outlining expectations for long-term success.


### **First Team Meeting Agenda**

Date: September 4, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM

Location: Conference Room C or Zoom Link: [Zoom Link]

Meeting Facilitator: Ross Geller

### Welcome and Introductions

- Facilitator: Welcome everyone to our first team meeting.
- Team Introduction: All team members introduce themselves, talk about their role, and background.

### **Icebreaker Game**

Share a story, or tell the group something that one might not guess about you

### **About Yourself**

Ross Geller: A brief overview of your career in project management, leadership style, goals for our team, and a brief about my personal life.

### Meeting Purpose and Objectives

- Facilitator: Brief on the purpose of the meeting.
- Objectives: Clearly set outcomes, including establishing team composition, duties and setting project timelines.

### Team Goals and Expectations

- Discussion: Goals of the team, such as completing the new product launch by Q4.
- Expectations: Discuss the expectations when it comes to team collaboration, async communication, and project management.
- Q&A: Encourage members to ask questions and provide input/feedback.

### Roles and Responsibilities

- Clarification: Establish the roles and responsibilities of each team member, e.g., Rachel for Marketing, Joey for Development.
- Discussion: Clarify concerns and suggestions regarding roles.

### Communication Channels

- Tools: Discuss tools and services used for communication (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams).
- Frequency: Set expectations on the cadence for communication, such as weekly updates and daily check-ins.

### Initial Project or Task Discussion

- Overview: Introduce the first project, which is the development of the new mobile app.
- Responsibilities: Assign tasks and set deadlines, e.g., UI design draft of the home screen by September 1st.
- Discussion: Open the floor for questions, suggestions, or concerns.

### Next Steps and Action Items

- Recap: Summarize the main points discussed along with action items, such as drafting the project timeline and setting up communication channels.
- Next Meeting: Schedule the next meeting and share the tentative agenda if available.

### Closing Remarks

- Facilitator: Thank everyone for their participation.
- Motivation: Offer words of encouragement regarding the future.


### **Action Items:**

1. Rachel: Draft the marketing plan by September 15th.
2. Joey: Prepare the initial development timeline by October 30th.
3. Monica: Set up the project management process by October 27th.

### **Next Meeting:**

- Date & Time: September 30, 2024, at 2:00 PM
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